About Us

The BizDocs Story

The Company was registered in 2018. The reason for the registration was to assist people that were unemployed make a living by doing what they love. It was established in Queenstown (Chris Hani district) in the Eastern Cape in. The population of the town is just less than 69 000 people. The average income of people living in Queenstown now known as Komani is around R160 000 p.a. and therefore people cannot afford to always make it month to month.

We knew that business will strengthen the economy in the town. This would then be taken to the province and later the country. This is the dream! This is what we work towards! We will get many more people in better situations financially! This was the motivation

We have the experience to prevent the headaches associated with starting a new business.

Contact us now

E-Mail: info@bizdocs.co.za
Tel: +27 64 504 0225
4 Baartman Street,
Victoria Park,